Monday, June 22, 2009

i HEarT u siS..

Do you know why your parent name you well, by your name?? I do have a story by my name. Originally, my name is base on AMI. Then it turn to Ahmad Syahmi. The one that really give me my name is my beloved sister, Dzeti. She kind of have a crush on a boy in her early age, name ami. So he want her new little brother name ami too.. So my parent name me my name and called me AMI. So today is my sister 22th birthday, and i like to wish her the happiest birthday ever. Maybe I'm not the best or coolest brother but she is the best and coolest sister anyone can ever dream of. Happy birthday kakak, and i miss you around home.


  1. waa
    ur sis ade crush wk2 she ws 4 years?
    so sweeet..
    hepi 22th bday 2 akak dzeti!!

  2. aww... i noe how it feels to be close to a sister.. now i pulak yang rindu... wuawauauaua.... :( :p

  3. nice post!
    put my rivendellious banner here and i'll link u.Leave a note there when u are done.TQ.

  4. oh trimas. =)

    gamba itu sgt huduh la.

    p/s: im prettier in real life.

  5. itu kisah benar. memang nama itu dia yg beri.
    tapi bukan kerana sesiapa... that time she's only 4++
    i'm glad you love each other that much...
